Hot dogdi calamaroal curry
800 gr di calamari
puliti e eviscerati
50ml olio extra vergine di oliva
curry in polvere
4 panini da hotdog
40gr di senape di Dijon
sale e pepe q.b.
800 g cleaned
and gutted calamari
ground chilli pepper
sausage casings
50ml extra virgin olive oil
curry powder
4 hot dog rolls
40 gDijonmustard
salt and pepper to taste
Tritare i calamari con la piastra fine (diametro fori 4,5mm) Toollio, condire con l’olio, il sale, il
pepe, il peperoncinoe il curry. Impastarebene il tuttoe insaccarecon l’ausiliodell’imbutopiccolo
formandodegli hot dogdellamisurapreferita. Cuocere le salsicce inpadella antiaderente a fuoco
basso, spalmare con della senape i panini, precedentemente tagliati a metà e passati in padella
per renderli croccanti e servire il tutto.
Mince the calamari with the Toollio with the fine plate (4.5 mm diameter holes), season with
the oil, salt, pepper, ground chilli pepper and the curry powder. Knead together well and fill the
casings using the small funnel forming hot dogs of the preferred size. Cook the sausages in a
non-stickpanover a lowheat, spread themustardon the rolls that werepreviously cut inhalf and
toasted in the pan tomake them crispy and serve.
Curry calamari hot dog
Meat grinder/Sausage filler